Hope and Love for His Beloved

"In His name the nations will put their hope."

Matthew 12:21

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Support Letter

Happy New Year! Well, it's already February (jeez) and my birthday has come and gone, but I hope it has been a great start to 2010 for you! I want to share with you where I have been led now as I discover more of who God is and what He wants to do through me in my life. Beginning this fall I will be teaching English in Hungary! I am including my support letter below, and I hope to share more with you in the weeks of preparation to come.


Dear Friends and Family,

Happy New Year and blessings to you and your family! If you haven't already, please take the time to reflect on what God has done and how you've experienced His love in your life in 2009. God has done so much in my life this year! I hope you have had an opportunity to hear some of my stories in person of what God has done or received a note of thanks from me. I look forward to seeing what God wants to do in my life and through me in 2010. As I look at this next year and where God is leading me, I would like to share with you! I am hoping to continue to have your prayers and support of God's kingdom, bringing His love and hope through relationships and service.

I have applied and been accepted to teach overseas with Education Services International (or teachoverseas.org)! I will be teaching conversational English to high school students in Hungary starting in August. This is a year-long commitment with the possibility of additional years if God leads me to it. I will have one month of training with my team before I leave in August. We will be trained in culture, teaching English as a second language, classroom management, etc.

One thing I have learned this year is that God has given me the gift of teaching and a desire to teach, both physically and spiritually. Through teaching, I will be able to build relationships with these students and to spend time outside of the classroom with them. By my example and through connecting with them I will be able to share Christ's love and hope for their lives.

When I was in Hungary in June, I heard of the nation's high depression and suicide rate, as well as the struggle for younger generations to find their place and purpose in life. Many are feeling lost, confused, and unloved. God desires for them to know who they are as His beloved. He wants them to find hope in Him. I am looking forward to spending time with these students: providing them an opportunity to learn valuable skills in the classroom, sharing God's kingdom with them, and building friendships with them.

I ask that you pray for me. Remember me frequently in your prayers. Pray for my preparation (I have a lot to do before I leave) and for my heart and mind to be ready. Please pray for my students, that they will open up and feel like they can connect with me. Also, pray for God to provide the funds needed to go.

While in Hungary, the local school will provide a place to live and a modest stipend. However, I will also need to raise funds for training, flights, insurance, and retreats/support while overseas. I understand if you are unable to support me financially. There are other ways you can lend support, such as through prayer or planning a fundraiser for me (I could use help in this aspect). However, if you feel God leading you to give, you can mail the enclosed response slip in the envelope provided.

Please consider supporting me with monthly or one-time donations. I am especially looking for a strong group of monthly supporters to meet this need; I am hoping to have 20 people commit to giving $50 per month (I will need to raise about $12,000). Teach Overseas is a 501-c-3 non profit organization, so your donation would be tax deductible as allowed by law. Checks should be made out to "Teach Overseas" with my account number (210022) written in the memo line. I am trusting in the truth that God will provide for what He has led me to do. Will you be a part of that?

I am so excited about this opportunity and to experience more of God's love for others. I am learning more every day about this love! Thank you for all you do and please keep in touch with me: sharonjoprice@gmail.com. Let me know your thoughts and how I can share more with you.

God Bless You,

Sharon Price

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